Yes, we do provide.
Yes, simply our translations are legally valid for your any legal purposes and you are able to submit these translations to any of the legal body.
We are able to send you the quote once you email us the scanned docs only. The quote should include the timeline, cost and other terms indeed.
Typically it takes 2-3 working days but it may vary depending on the word/page count, size and language.
Yes, you can collect the hard copies at our office in Dehiwala or Rajagiriya once you tell us your specific client Id given by us.
No, we don’t provide any one day service right now.
Yes, we are able to courier you the docs once we complete the process. The delivery time is vary depending on the location and delivery partner. However you can track your documents at your end.
Indeed you can check all the above details since we will send you the draft copies once we complete translation to check this at your end.
Email is the best option to reach out to us but Facebook messenger, Instagram and hotline options are also available.
The quote should reach you within 2-3 hours or within a day but weekend and holidays may affect this timeline.
You need to send us your payment slip to confirm the order.
Yes indeed and we should keep the privacy and confidentiality of your documents and personal information — we do not disclose any of your contact information or personal details with any third party for any purposes.